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Spiritual Healing Portal FOR YOU"

My prayer is to help as many SOULS as possible release suffering of any kind to become Conscious Creators ALONGSIDE SPIRIT for healing in their lives and the world at largE.








JOIN ME using the following modalities for CHANGE -


  • SRT - Spiritual Response Therapy


  • Spiritual Mentorship & Inquiry

  • Guided Meditation

  • Affirmative Prayer

  • Horse Guided-Healing

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I created WHOLE BEAUTY | MYSTIC MEDICINE as a Spiritual Healing portal  to help you find healing and WHOLENESS through your re-connection to Self & Source. By embodying the Sovereignty of your Higher Self (deepest knowing) and True Divine Consciousness - you can activate your own innate ability to heal and create ANYTHING.


Spiritual healing with the modalities I use - can provide complete recovery from physical, mental, emotional and spiritual distress where conventional medicine and talk therapy alone may not be providing you the help and change you are seeking. By tapping into the Divine Intelligence and HIGHER FREQUENCY ENERGIES available to you within, holistic solutions and drastic outcomes can be found - often immediately. 


Spiritual practice has taught me that we are not designed to suffer or to be in want of anything.  We are designed to live in harmony as Sovereign Co-Creators of the overflowing abundance that is available to us here on Earth. Your Divine inheritance includes all of your earthly needs being met - as well as receiving ALL of your heart's desires.

It is Source's will for you to heal and  prosper in every area of your life. 

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I offer you my heart, presence, understanding of consciousness, and numerous healing gifts - Multidimensional Quantum Energy Healing, Spiritual Response Therapy, Spiritual Coaching & Inquiry, Guided Meditation, Affirmative Prayer, Horse Guided Healing and Healing Retreats to create a sacred space to heal, and embody your true freedom as a co creator of all things good. You will experience a cellular soul - awakening of your true self, like never before. And it is my greatest JOY to walk you home to your highest and best Self. 


I know from experience, and hope it brings you relief to know  that you can step far beyond the impact of any challenge you may be experiencing right now.... With newfound faith, support and Spiritual tools - you will  KNOW that what was never lost - can be returned to you NOW.​

I have the ability, as a neutral channel for Spirit to: 


  • Reveal what is blocking your Highest Good ( root cause ) physically, mentally, emotionally and Spiritually

  • Release accumulated, discordant energies and programs from the body, aura, past lives, timelines, intergenerational bloodlines, Spirit level programs, Soul Programming before incarnation, and trauma from psychic wounding in this lifetime 

  • Re establish new ideas and higher energy frequencies on all levels of consciousness and all minds

  • Activate your Inner Healer and Conscious Creator for health, love and prosperity

  • Unlock your FREE WILL  to choose that which is FOR YOU and help you make sustainable changes in your life where you have felt stuck up until now

  • Reconnect with pure consciousness, divine intelligence, healing frequencies, new beliefs,  and wholeness to open the pathway to direct healing, manifestation and  a life you LOVE.

Feel WHOLE AND BEAUTIFUL again - I am confident that I can show you how.​
 If I can do it - SO CAN YOU!!
Join me to awaken your endless life force and light within for Pure Consciousness & FREEDOM.

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Healing, health and happiness have always been the driving force in Margo’s career, and many FORMAL CREDENTIALS support her work as a Metaphysical Minister, multidimensional SpirituaL HEALER and SRT Practitioner. 


Margo is a Registered Nurse with a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from UBC and also trained as a Cognitive Therapist with post graduate training from the Beck Institute in Philadelphia, PA. She obtained her Coaching Certification from the Coaches Training Institute and a second degree in Metaphysics from the University of Sedona. She is an Ordained Minister with the International Ministry of Metaphysics and trained in both Reiki and Reconnective Energy Healing. Most recently Margo has been certified as a Medical Medium and Quantum Healer under world renowned Healer, Marlene Allen, in Body Power Quantum Healing Technologies and is an Advanced Certified Spiritual Response Therapy and Multidimensional Self Practitioner. Margo is also formally trained in Horse Guided Healing, trauma physiology & trauma healing.

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# One food I can’t live without:

Peanut Butter & Toast

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Interested in working together?

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